
Welcome to VOA Connect

Where VOA comes to share, learn, and engage with each other. 

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VOA Connect is getting an upgrade to Microsoft SharePoint Online!


Why the move? More than 80% of Affiliates are on the Microsoft M365 platform, and this transition allows all VOAs to integrate and interoperate seamlessly while allowing access to all Affiliates regardless of which platform your Affiliate is running.

As of Friday, December 13th, you will no longer be able to access this version of VOA Connect. 


VOA Connect SharePoint Provides

Enhanced collaboration  |  Greater security

Single sign-on using your VOA email address and password

The ability to access and participate from any electronic device


Current VOA Connect Users

Current VOA Connect users will be migrated to the new VOA Connect starting Monday, December 9th. 

 Once your account has been created, you will receive an email from Microsoft inviting you to access applications with the VOA National Office. Please reference the handout sent to your email to guide you through the authentication process. Once you've authenticated, you will now have access to VOA Connect.

 Note—If you have access to VOA Data Central, you need not take any additional action to connect. Click here to get access.